Tips to Help Master a Rut
The Rut is both intimidating and exhilarating at the same time... come in wrong and it will ruin your day but nail it and you feel like Tomac! Riding a rut requires confidence, proper technique, and focus. What does that mean exactly? Let's go over some very important tips to know and think about when you are riding through a rut.
When you are coming into a corner you most likely have a lot of momentum so use that to your advantage. You have to commit to the momentum you've gained in order to remain stable when coming into the rut, otherwise you might quickly lose stability and could even be thrown off the track. Do not hit your rear brake as this will reduce your momentum then making your bike stand up, making you lose your balance.
Don't Downshift
Your first instinct may be to downshift when you come into a rut but this will lose traction so by keeping it in a higher gear will keep the chassis calmer by lessening decompression braking and sudden weight shift. Its ok to give it a little throttle depending on how comfortable you are. Remember it's very important to exit in a higher gear.
Lean With It, Not Against
Wherever your body goes your bike follows. That being said when coming into the rut don't fight the curve of the rut, make sure your head is also aligned with your body when leaning. Sometimes elevating your body off the seat a bit will make it a lot easier. And if you hit the throttle, your lean needs to match the amount of throttle your giving the bike.
Use Your Inside Leg
Sit down and raise your leg to avoid hitting your foot on the ground. Read the rut and if the rut is deep your inside leg must be higher. This also places you in a natural position to keep weight on the front tire to keep you in the rut. Once you've exited the rut return your inside leg to the foot peg as soon as possible. Then lean forward during acceleration to maintain front end control.
Eyes Forward
Your eyes should never be on the front wheel. Keep your eyes on what is ahead. And once you are in the rut watch for where it is going and when it is going to end. Remember that where you look is where you and the bike will end up. Keep those eyes up and forward so you know what's next.
Ready To Go!
Mastering a rut will take time and practice but not to worry because practice makes perfect! And now that you've read these very helpful tips nothing can stop you from becoming a rut master. And also next time you are the track keep these tips in mind and remember that the rut can be you friend so embrace them! Have confidence in knowing your skills will improve, and they will. Good luck!
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