The Ultimate Guide to Riding a Motorcycle In Winter

Jun. 21 2020 Motorcycle Safety Tips By Berts Mega Mall

Berts Mega Mall | Powersports Hub 

You might think you cannot ride your motorcycle in the winter due to the cold or wet weather but that is not the case. There are ways to get around this cold weather and many riders believe riding in the winter is actually more enjoyable. Keep in mind you will have to prepare to face the cold temperatures and tougher road conditions but what’s life without a challenge! We’ve listed 10 tips you can use to make your winter riding experience a great one!

Pre-Ride Inspections:

As a rider, you should always try to get a pre-ride inspection in to see if anything looking wrong or out of the ordinary. During the winter it can be especially important to check for obscurities to avoid being stranded on a long highway in the cold. Checking your oil, seals, brakes, clutch, and headlights are all areas you can start at. We also want to mention checking your tires, if your tires were not doing so good in the summer and fall you MUST replace as soon as possible and avoid riding with bald tires.

Check Weather Before Heading Out:

We will already be expecting cold weather in the winter but how do you know when it’s too cold or unsuitable to ride? As long as you are dressed properly (which will be discussed next) you should have no issues riding in weather above 40 degrees. Once the temperature begins to drop and go towards a freezing point or begins snowing it’s time to consider getting off the bike. Snowy conditions bring low visibility and slippery roads. Even if it is not snowing at the time you get on your bike, double-check a weather service or app to see what’s in store for the rest of the day. You do not want to get caught in a snowstorm or hard raining.

Proper Gear:

Of course, you must have the proper gear to keep you dry and protected. The main pieces of clothing you’ll need are your winter jacket, winter pants, winter pants, and insulated gloves.

Winter Jacket: The best route to go with is an all-season textile jacket with a set of insulation and waterproof layers that you can remove depending on the weather. This saves you money in the long run and room in the closet.

Winter Pants: Insulated and waterproof textile over pants are easy to put on and will keep you warm and dry. Over pants allow you to wear your normal pants underneath which means you can get out of them quickly.

Winter Boots: It would be ideal to have waterproof boots to ensure the dryness of your feet but you can certainly do without them. Just remember it is important to keep your feet dry!

Helmet Breath Deflector:

You may not instantly think of this when preparing for a cold motorcycle ride, but your head emits heat. When the heat meets cold, condensation happens. Once your visor becomes a little foggy, the road is not as clear to see. Then you have to lift your visor up to see causing the wind to hit your face. A helmet breath deflector will help prevent this from happening.

Staying Warm:

Aside from your gear don’t forget to wear any necessary pieces of clothing underneath. Neck warmers, fleece jacket, and a thick shawl collar sweater are all great pieces to wear underneath your winter jacket. Collar sweaters are highly recommended because they make the neck region area airtight also that no wind can get in there and cause you to have an uncomfortable ride.

Stay Away From Alcohol and Coffee:

In the moment that you are drinking your coffee or a sip of alcohol, it may make you feel instantly warm however they can be a danger in the cold. They increase the blood flow to the skin which may make you feel warmer, but it is actually causing you to lose body heat. Additionally, you shouldn’t be drinking alcohol and riding as it is, but consuming alcohol affects your judgment which may already be impaired by the cold.

Slow Down:

Knowing to slow down might be a given, but oftentimes riders don’t account for the weather and how that affects the performance of their bike. In cold weather be extra-easy with the accelerator and try extra-hard to refrain from sudden anything - braking, acceleration, cornering, swerving. Normally tires heat up from use after you ride for a while, resulting in tighter traction and enabling you to control the machine. However, in cold weather, there is less traction. Remember to check your tire pressure more often in the winter.

Bike Modifications:

As we mentioned before there is less traction in colder weather and the ground can also be wet. Having top grade or winter tires would be something beneficial to invest in. Multi-compound tires are great options as they give you great mileage when you’re riding on straight roads and great handling in corners. You may think you can brush this off but it is important to get yourself a good set of top-grade or – even better – winter tires for your motorcycle

Watch for Drivers:

You normally keep an eye out for drivers on the road all the time, but in the winter it is especially important to be more alert. Car windshields can become steamy and the drivers don’t always get to clean or wipe them down. If you can’t see the driver chances might be that they cannot see you either!

Read the Road:

During the wintertime when snow falls you have to watch out for black ice and salt. Motorcycles weren’t designed for winter riding. Like salt from the ocean, motorcycles can quickly succumb to rust. Treat salt like ice; if you see crystalized appearances on the side of the road, stay away. You might be forced to run too much lean angle, and my front tire quickly washed out. 

Time to Ride!

Riding in the winter can be very fun and is no different than riding in warmer conditions besides having to wear extra layers and approach the roads a little more cautiously. As long as you follow these tips and take it easy out on the road you will have a more than the successful winter season. Remember to plan ahead and try to stay ahead of the weather, don’t leave home underprepared and them freeze your butt off all the way back. Happy and safe riding to all! 


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