Tips to Avoid a "Razorback" at the Sand Dunes

Apr. 4 2020 Conquer the Dunes By Berts Mega Mall

Berts Mega Mall Presents | Power Sports Hub 

With dune season in full force, all sand fanatics cannot wait to hit up the Dunes of Pismo, Dumont and of course Glamis. The popularity of the dunes grows every year because it is one of the safest and most enjoyable surfaces for any off-road vehicle, but riders should take extra precaution when cruising the dunes to prevent hitting a Razorback. A “Razorback” is a dune hazard that is formed when the wind blows sand in multiple directions and a knife-edge ridge appears at the top. The size of a razorback can vary from gradual to very steep. If not careful, hitting a Razorback can cause serious damage to your vehicle and also cause serious injuries to the driver and passengers alike. Here are some tips on how to avoid hitting a Razorback and stay safe throughout your visit to the Dunes.


Do NOT Cross Straight over a Razorback

The number one way to prevent hitting a razorback is to never cross it straight over because you don’t know what is on the other side. If it is a Razorback you can crash or flip your vehicle since there will be no backside to it, just straight down. To avoid this, approach the top of a dune crest at an angle so that you can check for other riders or steep drop-offs on the other side. If you are driving a UTV, try to angle yourself on the driver’s side of the vehicle so that you have a better view over the edge.

Bonus Tip:

Make sure you have a whip on your vehicle so that other riders can see you approaching. A light-up whip will be ideal for sand dunning at night.

Stay Alert

Being alert and aware of your surroundings is the most important tip for anyone riding the dunes no matter what you are riding. One thing to understand about the dunes is that they are rarely the same two days in a row as winds and other vehicles can easily turn a rounded peak into a Razorback. Just because you rode the same trail the day before does not mean everything will be the same. Razorbacks can be made overnight which is why a rider must be alert of the road and their surroundings at all times when riding. The dunes are swept clean each day by the wind making every day a new adventure that you must be ready to take on.

Ride with a Buddy

One of the most important tips to riding the dunes safely is to never ride alone. If you are riding alone and you hit a razorback there will be no one around to assist you. Instead, it is a good idea to ride with an experienced rider that knows what to do to prevent hitting a razorback and also knows what to do in case you do hit one. As the leader of the ride, they will let you know when there is a razorback ahead giving you plenty of time to angle your vehicle and continue riding at the edge of the Razorback instead of hitting it and causing some serious damage. Always keep a safe distance of at least a 2 car lengths so that if a quick move is made to avoid something you will have time to react.

Wear Safety Gear

Although the dunes are one of the safest surfaces for off-road vehicles a rider can never be too safe. Here is a list of gear we recommend you wear when out in the dunes to keep you and your family safe in the case of an accident in the dunes. 

     Helmet: wearing a helmet is the law of course so every person (the rider and passengers) must be wearing a helmet at all times when riding the dunes.

     Goggles: goggles or eye protection are also very important to wear because they will keep sand from getting in your eyes and allow you to keep your eyes on the road at all times. 

     Bright Colored Clothing: wear bright colored clothing so you can stand out against the beige background of the sand. Anything that will make you be seen by other duners is a good idea.

     ATV/Dirtbike Riders: riders who are riding an ATV or dirt bike at the dunes should wear full riding gear such as boots, helmet, goggles, etc.

Go Conquer the Dunes & Ride Safe!

Ring the Sand Dunes can be a fun and exciting thrill, but only if you are riding with precaution. Staying alert of the road at all times, riding with other experienced riders, and wearing the appropriate gear will allow you to avoid hitting Razorbacks and staying safe throughout your time at the dunes.  

Tips to Avoid a "Witch's Eye" at the Sand Dunes

 - 5 Best Local Deserts for Off-Roading

 - How to Master the Dunes on a UTV

 - Mastering the Dunes on a Dirt Bike

*Learn More at Power Sports Hub* 






