​​​​​​​Why You Need a Motorcycle in Your Life

Aug. 17 2020 Looking to get a Motorcycle? By Berts Mega Mall

Bert's Mega Mall | Power Sports Hub

Easy Way for a Quick Getaway and Adventure

There is a feeling of freedom that comes from riding a motorcycle that cannot be duplicated. Whether you are carving the canyons, cruising an empty stretch of the county road or flying down the interstate there is just something about being in the motorcycle that a car or truck just cannot do. Things look differently on a bike and you are out in the elements connecting with nature and the environment. The sights and smells are all enhanced and you will feel the energy that will get your heart pumping and your adrenaline flowing.

​​​​​​​Why You Need a Motorcycle in Your Life

Commuting on a Motorcycle Will Be Easier and More Fun

Riding a motorcycle means you will get to work and back sooner and with less frustration. Depending on where you live, you can lane split and cut through all the traffic. Even make a quick stop at your favorite breakfast place because you’ll have so much extra time. And no matter what when you are on the motorcycle you head clears because all your focus is on the road and your surroundings, it is almost therapeutic.​​​​​​​Why You Need a Motorcycle in Your Life

Save Money on Gas

We all see the prices of gas going up and may start to wonder if they’ll ever go down again. Bikes can get more than double the fuel economy of cars makes them serious money savers, whether or not prices stay high. There is nothing like “filling up” for $10 and then riding all week on that!

​​​​​​​Why You Need a Motorcycle in Your Life

It’s Easier to Find Parking

Motorcycles can fit in those small, awkward-sized spaces and you can fit several of them in one space or garage. There’s nothing like cutting the crazy parking debacle out of your daily routine.

Most places of business have designated motorcycle parking and suddenly running errands on a bike is easier than driving. Many parking lots that may require cars to pay will sometimes just let you in for free, which has happened more than once!​​​​​​​Why You Need a Motorcycle in Your Life

You’ll Meet Some People You Never Thought You Would

You will be greeted by waves, nods or extended feet when you pass other riders. Showing up somewhere on a bike means people will go out of their way to talk to you to share their experiences or just ask about what you rode in on. If you're open to this, you'll find yourself meeting people with whom you might otherwise never have had an opportunity to interact—people from outside your socioeconomic/religious/racial circles. And that will make you a better person.

​​​​​​​Why You Need a Motorcycle in Your Life

Riding a Motorcycle Makes You Look Really Cool

Let's face it, motorcycles are the American version of cool on 2 wheels. From James Dean to Marlon Brando to Steve McQueen to Tom Hardy a motorcycle just might elevate your “coolness” level!

"You do not need a therapist if you own a motorcycle, any kind of motorcycle!"
― Dan Aykroyd


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