Why You Should Avoid the Dunes During Dusk/Sunset
Berts Mega Mall | Powersports Hub
Riding the sand dunes is usually on the top of any off-road enthusiasts list and rightfully so as the dunes are like nothing else out there! With most sand dune destinations opened 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it is no surprise that the dunes can be crowded at all times of the day. With the weather reaching extremely high temperatures during the day some riders prefer riding the dunes during dusk hour when the sun is going down. However, riders should avoid riding the dunes during dusk hour because it can be extremely dangerous. The sun is setting and everything in the dunes changes from the sand, visibility, weather, and much more. Here are our reasons why you should avoid riding the dunes during dusk hour.
Poor Visibility:

Riding the dunes when the sun is going down can be dangerous because you will not have the same visibility as you would if you were riding in the daytime. Riding will definitely be more challenging because you will not have enough light and things like fog will reduce your visibility in the distance making it more difficult to read the dunes. Having poor visibility is dangerous because not knowing what is ahead of you when riding can cause an injury to you or other riders. Plus if you are traveling from the east to west the setting sun could potentially be in your eyes which also will inhibit your sight lines and reaction times.
Hard to Read Terrain:

Riding the sand dunes at any time of the day can be dangerous, but the risk grows bigger if you are riding during the twilight hour. The sun is beginning to go down and the terrain will be very difficult to read. You will be dealing with shadows that will make the terrain hard to judge even if its a section you have hit earlier in the day the shadows will make it look taller, deeper, etc. If you are not careful and alert, you have a high chance of hitting a witch’s eye or a razorback. Having to get your vehicle unstuck will be harder during dusk hour because it will be getting dark soon and if you do not have a flashlight or something similar with you to light the way that could be big trouble.
More Accident Prone:

If you ride the dunes during dusk hour you are potentially more prone to get into an accident than if you were to ride during the day time. You will be more likely to get your vehicle stuck in the dunes because you will not be able to see clearly what is in front of you. Also, if you or other riders do not have the appropriate accessories like LED glow whips or a light bar to ride during the dusk hour then you are also more prone to have a collision because you will not be able to see them up ahead or see you and that could spell disaster.
Weather Changes:

If you decide to ride the dunes during dusk hour you will notice changes in the weather and sand that can interfere with your riding. The temperature will get a lot colder quicker then you think and the sand will start to "stiffen" up too as the temperature drops making it more difficult to maneuver and control your vehicle. It will be very dangerous to get stuck in the dunes at this time because the temperatures will be cold and continue to drop throughout the night.
Many riders try to avoid the crowds at the dunes by riding when the sun is starting to set, but we strongly recommend you avoid riding the dunes at this time unless you are 100% comfortable with the conditions and prepare for the night time. With the sun setting, you will have less visibility and will be more prone to get stuck or have an accident. So again while we too love the thrill of hitting the dunes at night be prepared and confident for it or instead enjoy the dunes during the day time when it is much safer and you have clear visibility of your surroundings.
- Tips to Avoid a "Witch's Eye" at the Sand Dunes
- Tips to Avoid a "Razorback" at the Sand Dunes
- Tips to Avoid Getting Your UTV Stuck in the Dunes